Ursula Munnelly
Ursula Munnelly
Hi all, I'm new to this but feel the need to express my frustration. My baby is 8 weeks old and I'm exclusively pumping. He's tongue tied and didn't take to latching. My first baby was a preemie and I pumped for her too. I'm currently struggling with producing enough milk for him. I've tried the tea, oats and currently on fenugreek supplements but the most I've ever been able to produce is 10 ounces and that will last a day or two. Currently I struggle to pump 4-5 ounces which is just enough to get 1 feeding. I've had to supplement with formula 3 times so far since I'm not producing enough which makes me feel like a failure. I really don't know what else to do. With my daughter I was only able to pump until she was 3 months then I got sick and had to go on antibiotics and my milk supply dried up. I was really hoping to have better luck this time but it's just not working.

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Yes he's getting it clipped next month. I'll look into that.
19.01.2017 Нравится Ответить
Can you get his tie clipped? It may help. Also research power pumping
18.01.2017 Нравится Ответить
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