Booked for my implant to come out on the 2nd of march 🙈 I'm soo scared all the stories I've seen online anyone had there out ?? Xx we will be ttc baby number 5 as well I'm soo excited 😍😍😍
Thank u @jodiec, Kullen n Freddie are my rainbow babies we lost 2 all ready I don't mind if it happens fast or take us a little while the main reason I want it out is because I don't feel normal I bleed for 3 weeks then stop for a week then bleed for 3 weeks again I can't handle it anymore x. X x
I've had 2 out there fine you can't feel it once they numb it with frankie it expired Feb fell within 2 weeks but had 3 losses that year he was my rainbow in November I fell and Florence it expedited Sep I was pregnant by December xx
Aww that amazing Hun how long did it take u to get pregnant I can't wait for mine to get out I've only had it in a year and I can still pretty much feel it lol i can't wait to ttc baby number 5 congrats Hun x x
hey I had one out it was a little bit hard as it had been in for 3yrs but didn't feel a thing and congrats me and my hubby are preg with baby no.5 and I'm as excited as I was with my other 4 we still want more lol xx
Aww so your having your 3rd baby your a brilliant mum I take my hat off to single mums your brilliant Hun 😘😘 my boys are 8,3,1,1 there not twins lol 😂 xx
I love labour I have nice fast easy labour all of mine have been the same it's the pregnancy that kills me lol but I'm hoping cos I've let my body rest this one will be nice and easy lol x x x
Thank u lady's 😘😘😘 make me feel better I use to care what ppl think of us but we pay our own way my other half works very hard and we can most definitely afford another baby 👶 my friend has 9 kids she is a single mum but she dose such a good job with her kids it be exciting xx
We all ways wanted a big family and one more would be perfect some ppl
Mite think we crazy but I don't care lol 😂 we lost 2 babies as well so u never know xx
@sara87, we worked it out by the time I actually get pregnant 🤰 3 of them will be in school and nursery and my boys are actually really good and I have a good man too xxxx