something that really just bothers me: No one wants to just talk about abortion. A friend of mine posted a Facebook status asking if you were forced to choose between a 3 month old baby and a fetus in a peetree dish, which would you choose? I responded that since I know Utah passed a law claiming fetuses can feel pain and must have anesthesia before an abortion, I couldn't choose between 2 babys. some girl went off on a shitty rant about how the status wasn't about abortion, and honestly, I don't see how the isn't. I wish we could all have a conversation like adults about abortion. so what if you and I don't agree on our opinions? it isnt necessary to be an asshole about it. I get it, you're pro choice and you'll call me a Jesus freak if I disagree. well, I'm not a Christian nor am I super liberal. I'm a humanist. why should a baby die before it's even had a chance to live?