Hi ladies 👋🏾 I have a question. My boobies has been hurting ever since I was 9 weeks pregnant . Like cold air would cause them to ache and sometimes without cold air around they would just hurt. Any ideas of what that mean ?
Sorry, no I had an emergency c section I was going to try natural but didn't end up having a choice so I'm not sure what all they gave me. I had an epidural 2 years ago for my chronic migraines and didn't think it was that bad. @soon2bmommy2babyd,
lol yeah I mean everyone's different though. I was going to try to avoid it just for the simple fact I spent all that time not eating this or that to keep my daughter healthy and then right before she was born get drugged? Lol but I was open to it if I couldn't take the pain!
@lizabeth.1294, I'm all for others opinions lol. I don't mind. I just like to state my opinions for stuff such as epidurals. Just to get insight especially from someone that done it. Lol
@soon2bmommy2babyd, I've had an epidural not when I had the baby... if I did I don't remember lol but I got one for migraines and it wasn't that bad. I think the needle just makes it seem way worse. But that's my opinion others may disagree lol
@lizabeth.1294, I hate needles and being pregnant that's what they do. Stick me almost every time I go. And I want to have a natural birth so bad. I don't want epidural or anything risky. I heard the needle is long and goes in your back and hurts. You could get paralyzed... just to risky. I just want my baby boy to be a handsome & healthy baby.
@soon2bmommy2babyd, I wasn't either I wasn't sure I was ready. But I love my little girl to pieces. Being nervous about delivery is normal, one thing I learned is anything can happen but no matter how it goes it's incredible when you finally get to hold your sweet baby in your arms.
@lizabeth.1294, yes ma'am. I'm glad it was pregnancy too for you. I hate being on my cycle so I wasn't in a hurry to find out. But when I did I was like well..... lol. Now I'm actually excited. A little nervous about delivering but overall he's a blessing.