Yesterday was an insanely LONG day!!! All starting at 5am to get myself ready for induction and my kids ready for school. Induction scheduled for 715. Thank the Lord my mother in law had the day off so she could come and help us with the kids. We left for the hospital and she finished getting the kids ready and took them to school. Pitocin started at 9am, beginning stages not so bad. Took FOREVER to dilate. Came in at a 3, and by 820pm I was at 8 and he was rushing down the birth canal. Labor was slow starting but once I went... I went!!! Ended up having to get the epidural, it was my last resort pain management. And I needed it. At about 545pm when
I got it I was about 5cm dilated and my contractions were 1 to 2 minutes apart and killing me. I stick it out at long as I could. And right before I was getting ready to push, it started to wear off. I felt like my vagina was on fire!!!!!!!! Ooooo. But after a few pushes and some assist with the forceps just to get him to crown, he was out! And only whimpered!
My ending was not simple. They had a hard time delivering the placenta, and once they did get it out I hemorrhaged. Took about 45 minutes, a shot of a clotting medication and 5-6 cytotec suppositories, they got it under control. I lost about 1500 mL of blood. But after some ice water, apple juice, and food I'm feeling so much better.
Greyson and I struggling with breast feeding, he is having a hard time latching on, the nurse said it's like he's not getting enough of the nipple into his mouth. Kinda bummed but we'll keep trying.
He is a fantastic baby, so loved by his older siblings and everyone.
Greyson Tiberius, born 1-11-17 at 854pm, weighing 6lbs 15oz, 20.5 inches long. He is a mellow baby only cries when he's hungry and needs to be changed.