Ok, all married,💍engaged or dating couples - make this your status and answer honestly!

What are your middle names? I don't have one &. His is Arturo, Arthur 😊

How long did it take to get serious? 4/5 months!

Do you have any children together? 2

What about pets? Nope,

Who's older? Him by like 1 year & several months!

Who was first interested? He was ❤️

Who asked who out? He did!!

Same high school? Yep

Most sensitive? Honestly i was, but now he is!!

Who wears the pants in the relationship? We both do!! 👍🏼

Who is the first one to admit when they’re wrong? He is always !!
Worst temper? Both of us!!

More social? He is

Most stubborn? I am!

Who gets their way more? I do 😔

Wakes up first? I am

Bigger Family? We both have a sister & 3 brothers 👧🏼👦🏼

Whose siblings do you see the most? His always!

Eats the most? He does

Who picks where you go to dinner? Mostly me because he's always like babe watchu wanna eat??

Better driver? He definitely!!

Who drives when you are together? Both it depends!

Cries more? I do

Said I love you first? He did

Where was your first date? Dinner & movie

Where do you eat out most as a couple? Chinese

Where is the furthest you two have traveled together as a couple? No where lol

Who has the craziest exes? Well i have no idea!!

Who sings better? Neither one of us!!🙄😮

Who’s better with the computer? Me definitely 😏

Hogs the remote? We have no idea where that thing went!!

Who cooks the most? I do unless he's cooking out !!

Who eats more sweets? Him he loved chocolate 🍫

Clothes and Shoe hoarder? Him!!

Who spoils who more? He spoils me way to muchh!

How long have you been together? 8 years😍😘❤️ & counting!!

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