ok thinking about stopping BF my LO is eating way more then i am making i done drank tea coconut water i canged my eatting habits. i am back on prenatal pills. ate lactation oatmeal cookie. and i been getting 3 oz every pump i have to supplement feed him if i am lucky i would get 5 oz but even that i have to give him cereal. he eats from breast both at the same feeding but hr later he wants more. ANY THING ELSE I CAN TRY??????? I DONT WANT TO GIVE UP UNTIL I HAVE DONE EVERYTHINGI COULD.
I got mine at target and babies r us. My lactation consultant told me to replace the little yellow part and white membrane. You can buy just those parts in a pack together.
Have you tried changing your pump parts? Some parts have to be changed every month or so to get suction properly. And sometimes the breast shields are the wrong size. I went down a size in mine and got a whole lot more each time I pumped.