Yep! My son won't take anything, doesn't matter if it's baby food or baby led weaning type foods. He won't even take a bottle or sippy. He drinks breastmilk straight from the boob and nothing else and he'll be 11 months old tomorrow 😅
My son is almost 10 months and still won't eat anything besides baby puffs and teething cookies (it's because he can feed them to himself) try baby weaning. Some babies don't like the texture of baby foods or anything soft. It might be straight to table food for you guys like us. It's starting to get frustrating 😩😩
My daughter did this. She wouldn't take any kind of "baby food" no purees no oatmeal. Our dr said if she didn't take to foods before one it's okay (because food before one is just for fun) however we decided to do baby led weaning. Where they eat what you eat while leaving out honey and peanuts and milk. You might want to look into it. It was a game changer for us. We started it at 8 months and haven't looked back since