I asked my dr about this at my last visit. She said being induced forces ur body to do something it isn't necessarily ready to do at that time so it can be harder in the process of labor and delivery, as opposed to it all happening naturally.
I was induced. It was such a hard labor. It almost ended in a C-section and it was so hard on my daughter her heart rate dropped so low. I would never recommend to get induced unless you had to for a medical reason.
@danielaguerobriones All 3 of my previous pregnancies were induced. The labor can come on hard and once they had to break my water manually. I am really hoping this time I'll be able to go into labor on my own.
I was induced and my OB told me beforehand that 50% of the time they end in C Section. Luckily I didn't have to have one, I almost did though. Pitocin is rough on little ones.