how much pain will i be in giving birth?
how dose that big head come out my vagina?
i dont want to be druged up but i dont wanna feel any pain? Rest In Peace Vagain😭
Sorry if this sounds rough lol. Sometimes everything goes well and you stretch like elastic and amazingly snap back. Sometimes there are little tears and sometimes you have to be cut. Doctors use stitches when that happens and sex will be far from your mind when your praising the epi-bottle gods. But no matter what remember all the women who had vaginal births 2,3,4 or more times. Obviously it was good enough for seconds.. thirds. etc 😜😀
@chaylalove oh yeah for sure waiting until doctors says okay lol. my sister tried having sex before her doctor gace the okay she said it eas painful os nothing happened .
Yeah I thought the same thing. I even wondered after I had him how he fit but somehow they do. lol
Sex will still be the same, if anything it's better after IMO.