@mommamace, my husbands parents always told me how horrible he was at night for them but he sleeps through the night at my house and my parents. His parents also don't even play with my son when they'd have him they'd just put him on the floor while they watched tv it's really annoying I think. Well clearly we're just horrible lol what's wrong with us lmao😂 (just being funny there)
that sounds like my mom to a T, idk she raised me because she can't even handle my daughter for a couple hours so I can sleep, but then wants to tell me what to do, no. Lol she always thinks my daughter is freezing when she's just chilling in a FLEECE sleepsack inside with the heat on 70 lol
Ugh my husbands parents are like that! I hardly even let them see my son bc every time I do they just tell me all the things I do wrong but then call me a good mother?? Wtf!! The biggest problem I have with them is they feed my son way to much!!! Every time he crys they think he needs a bottle when I have let them take him my whole tub of formula would be gone! And I've dealt with consipation with my son bc of them. He almost had to have surgery bc of it. And I've yelled at them bc of it and they just tell me I don't feed him like I'm suppose to! And the way they do it is right and I'm wrong. Went over for thanksgiving and got yelled at bc they said I don't know how to take care of my child when it's cold mind you he had a long sleeve on pants and socks on and he has a cozy cover on his car seat with a blanket draped over the car seat. He's perfectly warm. When my son was a few weeks old we visited family on Labor Day weekend and it was a nice warm day and they kept yelling at me bc I didn't have my son bundled up in a fuzzy blanket! So clearly they must think I freeze my son lol they think there gonna be the favorite grandparents when they hardly see my son bc the drive is so long I live an hour away from them. My parents see my son everyday either their at my place or I'm there my dad was worried about me one day bc I didn't show up at their place😂 but don't worry sweetie everybody has at least one person always telling them their doing something wrong with raising their child. Just don't listen to her
She sounds so toxic to you 😞 just stay strong. Do not listen to her. This is your child and yours only. When I first got pregnant, it was nothing but negative words and responses. You just need to push past it.
It's just annoying, but the moment I say anything then I'm being too sensitive. I'll except advice not orders. She doesn't realize this is my child, I've caught her calling herself mommy and she's constantly saying "that's grandmas girl, not mommas" but she sure doesn't want to help when things get tough. 😡
My grandma does the same thing with my pregnancy, saying that I'm too fat, but I don't eat enough, and all that bs. I am sure she is going to criticize my parenting once my daughter comes as well.
Parents should not do that and I am sorry she is doing that to 💔