So I ended up in hospital last night from 10pm till 3 am, due to the back ache and stomach cramps got a swab done to see if my waters had been leaking and monitored as wee man wasn't moving as much but was all just a false alarm and everything is fine!! So I guess he's still too Cosy in there...I'm still really uncomfortable and been sick a few times this morning! I'm ready for this pregnancy to be over now so I hope he arrives soon!!

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Went to see my midwife she isn't convinced that it wasn't my waters as my stomach had went soft and she could feel baby, so she's advised me to put on a pad come home and relax and if my pads still damp then to phone the maternity hospital in a couple of hours as he hasn't been moving as much as normal today but his heart beat and everything was fine and she said the same as you @tg123456789, that she thinks the vomiting is due to a possible start to labour X
28.12.2016 Нравится Ответить
exactly same as me. i used to wake up choking. was vile.
id go and have the sweep if i was you incase the sickness is a sign baby on their way anyway. may give him/her the push x
28.12.2016 Нравится Ответить
It's horrible I was sleeping when it happened it was my OH that woke me when it happened @tg123456789, I'm meant to have the midwife at 1pm as I get weekly checks but don't know wether to cancel it as I was at hospital last night or just go incase she offers me a sweep as she mentioned she might two weeks ago when I seen her 🤔
28.12.2016 Нравится Ответить
i started been sick again days before Hettie came. she came at 38 weeks. x
28.12.2016 Нравится Ответить
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