I had to pretty much exclusively pump for the first 5 weeks due to engorged breasts and latch issues.. it was just so difficult I'm a DD and she was only 5 lbs so tiny wasn't working out. so for all that time I bottle fed breastmilk. meanwhike ive been pumping 2x what she drinks and just freezing the other half for when I go back to work. Around 6 weeks regular breastfeeding became much easier so we started that and bottle feeding only once or twice in the day if I had to go out. Now she has trouble accepting the bottle if I go out or if her dad wants to feed her and I still need to pump at least 2-3 times a day in addition to nursing her bc I feel so full she's not emptying enough. (3oz every 2 hours for bottle/30 mins nursing every 2 hours)
Any suggestions for her accepting bottle again?
Should I be worried about supply & still needing to pump?