I just kinda need to rant. I have 2 over sisters. oldest is Jackie and then there is Amanda. Amanda lost her daughter June 23 she drowned in an above ground pool at a babysitters house while the babysitter was sleeping on the couch. obviously my sister is still grieving for her daughter its still pretty new. I went home as soon as I found out about it to be there for my sister. Jackie was nothing but a crazy bitch the entire time I was there. she locked herself in a room and cried so loud everyone could hear her. she just made the whole thing harder for Amanda. we all ignored it because she is nothing but a drama queen. Last month Jackie went home for thanksgiving and stayed with Amanda at her new house. Amanda was showing her around the house.. when they got to the backyard Jackie said "Wow this is big enough for a above ground pool hahaha I guess not" Amanda ignored it. later they took all the youngest kids to quick trip and Jackie said "wow if we had one more kid we wouldn't be able to do this haha" again Amanda ignored it. that night she called me in tears because of the things Jackie said. 2 days ago I messaged our family group on fb and said I will be coming home next year for Christmas. Jackie said " oh wow I thought someone had to die for you to come home" I seriously want to just beat the crap out of her. ugh