I just kinda need to rant. I have 2 over sisters. oldest is Jackie and then there is Amanda. Amanda lost her daughter June 23 she drowned in an above ground pool at a babysitters house while the babysitter was sleeping on the couch. obviously my sister is still grieving for her daughter its still pretty new. I went home as soon as I found out about it to be there for my sister. Jackie was nothing but a crazy bitch the entire time I was there. she locked herself in a room and cried so loud everyone could hear her. she just made the whole thing harder for Amanda. we all ignored it because she is nothing but a drama queen. Last month Jackie went home for thanksgiving and stayed with Amanda at her new house. Amanda was showing her around the house.. when they got to the backyard Jackie said "Wow this is big enough for a above ground pool hahaha I guess not" Amanda ignored it. later they took all the youngest kids to quick trip and Jackie said "wow if we had one more kid we wouldn't be able to do this haha" again Amanda ignored it. that night she called me in tears because of the things Jackie said. 2 days ago I messaged our family group on fb and said I will be coming home next year for Christmas. Jackie said " oh wow I thought someone had to die for you to come home" I seriously want to just beat the crap out of her. ugh

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I don't see how people can be so heartless sometimes. if something like that happened to my daughter (God forbit)I wouldn't be here seriously
22.12.2016 Нравится Ответить
no don't be sorry I agree with you 100% @jgruenwald
22.12.2016 Нравится Ответить
Wow okay then that's really shitty (sorry for the language). personally excuses or not "that's how she grieves my ass" I'd put her in her place and make it clear she needs to stop. I've been to three funerals since last Dec 20 I have never heard of anyone who grieves like that. she's desperate for attention and needs an ass beating I'm sorry I know that's your sister but it's true
22.12.2016 Нравится Ответить
lol!!! @blessed-n-proud7 ratchet I'd putting it nicely I have other names to call her but I won't. I read your post about the issue with your brother. I hope everything works out. those poor kids deserve way better. Send them to me I'll treat them as my own.
22.12.2016 Нравится Ответить
Your sister Amanda's is trying to cope, by spending it with her other kids. Your other sister can't just invite herself. I pray your sister amanda finds peace, even with a rude sister like your other one.
22.12.2016 Нравится Ответить
EXACTLY!!! @armyvet_mom_of_four she brings it up every freaking chance she gets.
22.12.2016 Нравится Ответить
Grieving? What about the feelings of the sister who lost the child? That so mean on so many levels. It's like your sister Amanda is trying to move on a bit, and your sister Jackie chimed in, "oh btw your baby died." Like she didn't know that. So mean I tell you.
22.12.2016 Нравится Ответить
no I agree @blessed-n-proud7 I have been wanting to put her in her place for so long but no one will let me. Jackie is seriously one of a kind. Amanda wanted to spend this Christmas with her bf and the rest of her kids because it's the first Christmas without Dani and they want to make it all about her. Jackie then makes plans for Christmas to be at Amanda's house Amanda sent her a long ass text explaining that she doesn't want family over she just wants to spend this Christmas with her kids. Jackie is all over fb saying shot about Amanda and how they had plans to stay at her house with Jackie's gf Jackie's 2 kids and her girlfriends little brother who is put of control. mind you Amanda HATES Jackie's gf because all she did after Dani passed was pout because no one was paying attention to her.... I swear Jackie is literally the black sheep of the family NO OME can stand her we just put up with her because she is family.
22.12.2016 Нравится Ответить
my parents have always made excuses for Jackie. my mom says that's just how she grieves. @blessed-n-proud7
22.12.2016 Нравится Ответить
That is so disrespectful on so many levels!
22.12.2016 Нравится Ответить
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