Please take my words lightly and with a grain of salt....

I'm over these tree of life pictures! Why? Because I swear breastfeeding ALWAYS gets over shadowed because formula feeders feel the need to hop on board or add two cents. I'm not saying it's exclusively for BF moms but that's how I first seen it advertised. I don't care my opinion is and will always stand that Breast is Best end of story im not looking for a debate. Im tired of bringing up BF'ng when someone adds in a comment not needed about formula. "My baby Is just as healthy, my baby is just as smart!" OK I NEVER SAID THEY WERENT? I'm tired of the formula debate.Don't compare apples to oranges with me. Sorry it's been bothering me for a few days and I needed to get it out lol.

And I understand if you couldn't BF. I'm not downing anyone just an observation

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I don't care what ppl do with their child I'm just over the fact when breastfeeding is constantly being scrutinized and put down because ppl's insecurities get the best of them. I'm annoyed at the fact when breastfeeding is even brought up formula feeders constantly chime in. Why can't we have somethings to ourselves. BFing moms are literally sustaining our babies lives. We are the roots to them flourishing. Not everything is attacking a formula fed baby but like I said insecurities.
22.12.2016 Нравится Ответить
i think the pictutes are beautiful with the boob or with the bottle or just the ones with a sneak peak of baby in belly..i see people get touchy abt them to which is stupid
22.12.2016 Нравится Ответить
I love the tree of life trend but I totally get where you are coming from. The trend was started to normalize breastfeeding and because mammary glands look like roots but people want to get offended over it. Formula feeding doesn't need to be normalized, it already is.
22.12.2016 Нравится Ответить
I'm currently bf-ing my 2 1/2yro son. 😂😂😩 but I love the journey. wouldn't change a thing. good luck to you momma.
22.12.2016 Нравится Ответить
I literally work with a girl who said normal babies drink formula. I'm so done lmaooooooo
22.12.2016 Нравится Ответить
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