Chelsea Marie
Chelsea Marie
NPR but I need some input. I just started a new job working with my husband because we can barely afford bills with just him working. My only babysitter is my mom. We can't afford daycare or a nanny. But my my mom has gone off the deep end. She Keeps not showing up and making us late for work/ making me have to use my 17 year old sister to babysit even though she has school. My mom is apparently too sick and every time we talk it's always about how we don't care about her and are using her but she never goes to hospital and instead sleep all day and puts my sister and I down when we talk. The other day even she came to my house while my sister was watching my kids and tried taking them from her and wouldn't even let my sister leave with them. Today topped it off when she picked me up from work(she is also my only ride as I have no license) and she was drunk and was drinking and driving with my kids in the car. I want to quit my job because I don't feel safe leaving my babies with her and I have no one else. But my husband won't let me quit because if I do we are apparently screwed. I feel so stuck. What do I do? What would you do in this situation. I want them safe but also don't want to fight with my husband and have him yelling at me and resenting me. So sorry for the long post.

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Maybe we can meet up! I've been wanting to babysit for a while just to get some socialization for my son
30.01.2017 Нравится Ответить
HeadStart will provide free care if you qualify financially.
21.12.2016 Нравится Ответить
I would look into possible help from the state. A lot of times they can pay for your child care and you can even choose who, like if you had a person that you know that watches kids or a daycare that you choose sometimes they will pay for it look into programs there are so many willing to help . Best wishes I wouldn't depend on your mother it will end up costing you your job instead of leaving on good terms . Your children's safety is way more than any amount of income if she's drinking with them in the car that's a huge red flag to stop right there.
21.12.2016 Нравится Ответить
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