lluvia Yesenia
WITHOUT prompting, ask your child these questions and write EXACTLY what they say. The outcome can be hilarious!

These are Alanis answers 4 years old haha 😂

*What is something I say a lot?
- im going to feed the baby

*What makes me happy?
- when im a good girl

*What makes me sad?
- when me and nahomy fight

*How tall am I?
- 15

*How old am I?
- 14 lol

*What's my favorite thing to do?
- to do makeup (not true) lol

*What makes you proud of me?
- when you get me presents (lmao)

*What is my favorite food?
- tacos (not my fave but it will do lol)

*If I could go anywhere, where would it be?
- to toys r us . (Not true what so ever)

*Do you think you could live without me?
- nope i would cry

*How do I annoy you?
- when you yell at me

*What is my favorite TV show?
- mickey mouse club house ( yeah...no 😒)

*if i had a million dollars what would i buy myself?
- clothes, heels, food & makeup . (Half true) lol

Copy, paste and change my answers and see what your child says!
You will be surprised how much your kids pay attention to you!
7.3 лет

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Once he does! Ask away lol 😁

7.3 лет Нравится Ответить



Once he does! Ask away lol 😁

7.3 лет Нравится Ответить