Gemma Hewitt
Gemma Hewitt
I love my little girl so much I can't even explain but sometimes I wish I was still pregnant so at least I get some me time.... all I wanted tonight was a pissing shower and she wouldn't settle for bed after her bath... with daddy I might add so he got his bath.... so I got her up and she had a few oz of a bottle and other half turns round and says... do u mind if I go to bed..... yes I do all I want is a shower!!!!!! I thought I was getting over this emotional stuff but I want to be able to do simple things when I want like blokes do! don't get me wrong I love him with all my heart I could never be without him and he's fantastic with our baby girl but sometimes he's so thoughtless :'(

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she's normally really good, she does normally have a bottle about 8 but she was going to sleep so thought she didn't want it tonight that's why we out her to bed, I really wanted a shower last night coz I'd been out walking a lot and got all hot and sticky and I didn't manage to get one the night before either :( I have thought about asking my mum to have her for an afternoon but I no she's got loads on at the minute with it being Christmas and Evie really isn't a problem in the day time at all she's a really good baby it's in the evenings I want help. I clean all day then I cook dinner for us then I have to clean up some more but OH gets up a half 5 for work has to drive to leeds and back every day doesn't get in til 6 sometimes later coz of traffic so I don't want him having to clean and tidy when he gets home from work..... it's a horrible circle I'm in. some days he's really good and he will wash up from dinner and hoover and stuff but I don't no think my hormones are up again every now and then I feel like this and I hate it coz I love being a mummy and I feel guilty for feeling like this coz it's not even like I've got a difficult baby she's brilliant and my OH is everything I could ask for, well maybe help tidy up a bit. but see he does help at weekends so why am I moaning? God sake I'm a mess :'( xx
14.12.2016 Нравится Ответить
Sorry to hear you're having one of those days. When it got too much for me I went up to visit my mum for some help with baby and she said one thing that's come true every time. Baby will have a few good days but will always inevitably have a bad day and that bad day you can trust will fall on the day that you need to get things done or you planned to do something. So when I have days like this I try very very hard to remember it's just a bad day and I'll shower tmmrw. Also insensitive OH's are a pain in the butt. But they're dad and really can't understand what it's like to be mum at this stage. If only they could. Sigh. Xx
14.12.2016 Нравится Ответить
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