My little girl is 3 and half months but she's a hungry baby so I gave her a quarter of rusk watered down with some milk from her bottle and gave it her on a spoon and it filled her up and she loved it didn't stop smiling and was really excited.. I don't want to start introducing things let because I know she's still little but it's good to know what people started with so I have some ideas when I eventually start to wean her properly :) thanks ladies xx
Baby rice & single veg for a little while. Then I introduced single fruit. After about a month I'd mix veg together & fruit together. I pureed & also gave chopped finger foods (I weaned at 6months with my 1st) Max is almost 5months & has had a few tastes of baby rice/porridge
My little boy started having baby rice at 11 weeks. I'm sure there'll be people reading this wanting to slate me but he was hungry and milk weren't doing the job. He loved food and the only thing you'll ever hear him say now is I'm hungry 😂
I started recently. Just a few weeks ago. My little one is 5 and half month now. Started him with baby rice but he's had sweet potato, carrot, peas, Parsnips. I gave him each thing individually for 2-3 days to make sure he was allergic to anything xx