My man says he's on the same page as me but never puts through.....he works his ass off but only to pay bills and then we have no money left because he doesn't save anything. We are supposed to sit down and plan our move in march but idk if it will happen because he's so babied here at his moms house.....nothing I say's hard because I want to save and get the hell out but I feel like he's going to end up like his family on debt, miserable and spending for no reason. Sometimes I don't even want to see him because he makes empty promises I feel like he's given up. I'm starting to and my PPD is getting bad again
once u two settle to live on ur own it's different because u don't have people making any decision or comments about the relationship but it could turn out for better my man before we moved in together he had alot of debt I have good credit I just helped him to get out of it now our lives are way better helping each other being positive n ofkourse love overcomes anything just have a sit down with him tell him the positive things n negatives ...
@ingridm89, his whole fam in one house even grandma Nd grandpa 2 sisters mom and us 3 .... she never worked a day in her life and @mamash_8 yes he makes the money but I manage EVERYTHING the only problem is he never gives me anything to save not one dime and it upsets me cus every penny counts .., he's not doing anything to move forward he's stuck in one spot and i would work to leave faster but he needs to put his foot down with HIS fam about caring for our son
I think u should talk to him and make him understand because honestly I think living on ur own with ur lil family feels really good.. well I'm the one who manages the money lol I put money to save and money what we really need to get I also do couponing that helps so much too
I feel you. that's what I'm afraid of also. My SO is so babied by his mom here and I'm trying to get him to snap out of it. I do not want to live here long and that's what scares me. His mom sometimes get herself in these situations and I feel bad, but I mean her kids can't be helping her out all the time.