Stephanie H.
Stephanie H.
Had to give my son formula to supplement because he's been in the world 24 hours and hasn't successfully gotten any of my colostrum. And he's been sleeping most of the day with all the tests and stuff hey have been performing on him (normal newborn tests, etc). Felt defeated but I still have to pump to try and get milk going.

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Getting them started is the hardest. don't give up!
05.12.2016 Нравится Ответить
@babyrossmommy, thanks so much. I was going to pump anyway but wanted to put him on the breast to help my body get signals to generate colostrum. But baby being extra tired today didn't help. But I will not give up. Thanks so much
05.12.2016 Нравится Ответить
Don't feel defeated! My son wouldn't even latch until he was about 3 weeks. I didn't get my milk for a few days I gave him formula until then. I had to pump every time to. It's gets hard before it gets easier just don't give up
05.12.2016 Нравится Ответить
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