so posted a week ago i think it was that hubby had been using a meetme acct to talk to girls. i confronted him and told him i knew about it I've seen the messages and if he wanted that life then i was done with us. we would no longer be husband and wife just mom n dad to our boys. he deleted it that night and hasnt tried to make one since. he did make friends with 1 girl on there who he texts but i am able to read the messages he texts her while i watch. i told him if something seems fishy with her etc that itll be over. shes married as well. but we are working on us now and im glad hes taking this serious again. I asked him does he really wanna throw away almost 7yrs and 2 children together? he said no. he dont. so hopefully things keep working positively for us and we can move past this. he told me from then on 100%honesty I can ask any questions i want and he will answer honestly. i have many questions just dont wanna ask them all at once. glad i had this group to turn to in my time of need. my friends told me it was my fault he acted this way because I tried to move on last yr after filing divorce but now that we are fixing things they stopped talking to me

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will later phone dying
02.12.2016 Нравится Ответить
I am so sorry... I'm here if you need to message me :(
02.12.2016 Нравится Ответить
@landonsmommy01, I was wrong he met with her last night and made out with her while i was home with babies. was supposed to take his friend home, get dinner come home. he left at 8 and didn't get home till 1230am. promised our 3yr old donuts and that boy stayed up waiting for them. I'm broken exhausted and fed up
02.12.2016 Нравится Ответить
Ahh okay!
01.12.2016 Нравится Ответить
@landonsmommy01, they talk about work that's it.
01.12.2016 Нравится Ответить
I wouldn't let him talk to her period.. lol
30.11.2016 Нравится Ответить
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