I suffer from sever depression and have since the 7th grade. I'm now 23 and 18 wks pregnant and the hormones and depression is just taking a toll on me. I feel like I'm losing myself and I'm definitely losing my SO. He's currently staying at his dad's and I honestly feel like a weight has been lifted off of my shoulders. I just feel like he has changed so much since we found out about being pregnant. I've pushed him so far that he doesn't even talk to me anymore. He doesn't ask about the baby he shows no care towards the baby. I understand distancing himself self from me but the baby? I can bet he doesn't even know how far along I am.... ugh just feeling lost and very discouraged at this point. Sorry for the rant.
I was on that before I got pregnant and I didn't think he worked for me that well but I have an appointment tomorrow morning and I'm definitely going to ask for something!! Thank you so much 💕
They never did any studies on pregnancy for that type of drug. BUT I took Wellbutrin and me and my daughter are very happy and healthy:) I recommend it. I've been through a lot and I'm not ashamed that I took it because it helped so much.