Danielle Marcigliano
Danielle Marcigliano
it's so annoying that doctors won't prescribe pain medicine for people who actually need it like me! its sad that I need to ask family members to help me get medicine for my chronic pain. even with xrays its not enough. anyone else going through this?! its ridiculous! I can barely bend down and take care of my son and it makes me feel like such a shitty mother!

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@missjess, yes I know I've tried all those suggestions and for long periods of time. and I've tried every holistic drug there is and nothing touches the pain. its horrible.
23.11.2016 Нравится Ответить
A lot of doctors don't want you to depend on pain killers. And they can become addictive. Look at it as them looking out for you in a way. I know it doesn't help your pain but maybe their is some alternative, like physical therapy or acupuncture, massage therapy etc.
23.11.2016 Нравится Ответить
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