For all of you planning on breast feeding and/or pumping, I'm about to share some awesome knowledge with you.
Okay, so, bit of a backstory. Right after delivery, my breasts became incredibly engorged. I would leak through nursing pads and my shirt within 30 minutes of changing. I mean, my boobs looked like torpedoes. And they HURT like a bitch. I wanted to cut them off. And my daughter couldn't nurse enough to relieve any of the pain, they just remained full all the time.
So, because she couldn't nurse enough and I was so exhausted from just having pushed a human being out of my body & I didn't feel like pumping constantly, my right breast became clogged. It was like I had an avocado stuck in my areola. TERRIBLE. After about a week, I got it unclogged and (almost) back to normal, but since then, it hasn't produced much and is noticeably smaller than my left breast. Any time I pump, I would get at least 2oz from my left and only about .5oz from my right. I tried having my daughter start nursing on the right each time, pumping on the right when she ate off the left, manually squeezing it constantly... and it still seemed to make less and less milk.
So I was looking up lactation cookies and smoothies. They each included Brewers Yeast and flax seed. Now, for those of you who don't know, I live in the middle of nowhere. Literally. The closest town is an hour away, and the only grocery store there doesn't carry either of those things. So I picked up some Flax Seed Oil from the vitamin section. On the bottle it says to consult your doctor first if you're pregnant or breastfeeding because it's such a high dosage (it says to take 1 capsule three times daily) but since I can't see my doctor for at least a few more weeks, I started taking one capsule every morning. This is only the third morning since I've started taking it, and holy crap, I'm producing so much more. I just pumped and got 4oz out of Lefty, and a whopping 1.5oz out of Righty!
I apologize for the incredibly long post, but I just had to share. I know so many women who stopped breastfeeding because they either stopped producing or felt like they weren't producing enough to satisfy their baby's hunger. So, I just wanted to share this little discovery to maybe help another mama or two out there ☺️