so, what do you guys think? the doctor thought it was a viral rash but now they say it's eczema. i was using shea moisture and now i'm using vanicream.
it's on his back, stomach/chest, a little on the arms, legs, and a little on feet.
@guaderrama_babies2, okay. last time i took him it wasn't as bad and they said definitely not chicken pox and they said chicken pox start from the head and works its way down and his started on his left leg.
I know everyone is saying HFM but that looks more like chicken pox to me. I've seen chicken pox in small babies and this is what it looks like. I had it at 3 weeks old. Definitely take him to the ER first thing in the morning. An oatmeal bath may help his skin feel a bit better. Mention chicken pot to them and see what they say at the ER.
doesn't need treatment from what my ex sister told me her son had it.... just bleach everything or disinfect everything get slme antibiotic soap @angelic_clover. he son almost 1 .... so idk what to say to do for a 9 week old take him to another hospital i heard it gets painful and make sure you get your self checked out
@kreese88, @ashleymonae could it be from the soap i was using? (shea moisture) and what would i need to do about hand foot to mouth? his doctor:pediatrician act like they have no idea what's wrong with his skin.