I would definitely say try for a natural birth unless induction is medically necessary. I was induced at 39 weeks because it was easier for my doctor (he made it seem like I had no choice) and I had so many complications including an allergic reaction to the induction medicine. I wish I could go back in time and let her come on her own.
16.11.2016 Нравится Ответить
induction sucks. I would go for natural labor unless necessary to be induced
natural is so much safer. it decreases the risk of an emergency c-section. I cannot be induced due to having a previous c-section but I wouldn't want to be induced anyway. the baby knows when it is time to come.
i was induced with my daughter, i felt like all the bones in my body were breaking all at once. my first son my water broke, but was still induced but it didnt hurt near as bad as it did with my daughter. my last child was breech so he was a c section. id go for labor any day than have to do a c section again....unfortunately another c section is in my very near future.
I was induced and honestly it was a fantastic experience. My L&D was 7 1/2 hours. I didn't plan or want to get induced originally but my dr decided to due to my daughter being smaller. It was also nice not having to worry about going into labor while at work or by myself if my SO wasn't home
i heard from mothers of multiple children that inductions are more painful, which makes sense because you aren't letting your body do what its meant to do naturally. its essentially going against your body