Anyone else find health visitors really patronising. I feel like my one thinks cause me and my partner are young (24) we know nothing. She wasn't particularly friendly either.
After I had Max I was asked similar questions. Now bearing in mind I'm 30 & already had a son I actually laughed when she asked those types of questions lol. So yeh don't take it personally, they literally have to ask the most random things because there are new Mum's out there that don't know or read up on how to do these things...
@daisysmummy, @chesscalouise2 this lady was older so she might have had kids but either way I was not impressed by how she explained things to us. It seems most people don't really like them. I can't decide if new mums are hormonal and touchy or if they are all arse holes.
@janegail, glad I am not alone, my baby is 2 weeks old and she was asking patronising questions like are you using first formula, do you know how to sterilise your bottles ect. I know they have to ask questions to make sure you know what you are doing but jeez give us the benefit of the doubt.