My ex was meant to pay me CS on Tuesday (even though he gets paid the previous Friday, first Friday of every month) as its when he has our daughter he's too lazy to make a special trip to provide for his child. His sons mum gets it on the Friday as that's when he has him. I told him to post it through my letter box on Thursday and he said he wouldn't be free until Sunday night. Fast forward to today when I wake up and am reminded that it's his birthday and see photos of him out drinking last night, like he is most nights. I have ignored him and tried my best to remain calm. What's the best thing to do here? My gut instinct is to fly off because it's a disgusting thing to do to your child. The CS is also as little as 20% of what I actually have to spend on our daughter as well as keep a roof above her head etc. Absent fathers are the lucky ones.

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