i need advice!
i had a stomach issue that caused me to not be able to keep anything down for weeks.
I went from getting about 4 oz when i pumped now I'm lucky to get a quarter of an ounce total when i pump. ive started taking fenugreek and blessed milk thistle supplements. my child is constantly attached and always hungry. like i only get about 10-15 minutes between feedings plus pumping. so i barely have time this pee and eat... and i feel like bashing my face into the wall. any advice to quickly reestablish my milk supply would be amazing.
Hey momma check out ссылка it has helped me so much with my supply after I got mastitis I was about to give up!! I exclusively breastfeed and got some storing in my freezer stash 🤗 milk machine and milkymama tea are the perfect combo for me 😁 @crixxy
i drink an insane amount of water and my pee appeals like maple syrup from the fenugreek 😂😂😂😂 I'm not even a little dehydrated. just woke up from a nap with my son and he acted like i was completely empty.. breastfeeding is the most depressing shit i ever did besides watching his father die while i was pregnant. it was going so well before i got sick.. 😭😭😭😭😭😭
Fenugreek doesn't always help. It can reduce supply in some women. Also cause indigestion in some babies. Drink lots of water and don't stress. Think positive