I always wonder how people can be "crunchy" and all about natural parenting yet still circumcise.. 🤔 So thankful to have the information I have and friends who were passionate enough to share.. when you know better, you do better!
@kambam, yes! Exactly! It just makes me so sad. I try so hard to educate others without coming off judgmental but when it comes down to someone knowing the facts and knowing how unnecessary and ridiculous this procedure is... I just can't.. ✋
I think its odd that moms care about the appearance lol. im dead tired of the myth that its "cleaner" also. ok cut your labia off then. it too is dirty by that standard 😒
@bonniesue, Definitely. It's unfortunate that it's seen as normal in America and many people don't put any thought into it. I wish there was proper education out there!
I don't consider myself crunchy but I still left my son intact. I think everyone's got to do their own research. So many people just go with what the dad says or what they think is "normal"