As a word of warning to all new mums and mums to be please do not under any circumstances ignore post partum shakes. I had shakes from day 3 up till day 7. On day 7 I caved in called the hospital and was admitted with severe septicaemia. I was told if I had left it one more day I might have died. My temperature on admission was 41.3 a degree away from seizures. I was told each time my midwife visited it was hormones from my milk coming in making me shake and that it was nothing to worry about. I only called on the 7th day because my milk came in and nothing changed. Always phone for a second opinion, it does no harm.

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I second this! I called in day 5 with pain and back cramping so bad I could hardly walk and pain when I tried to wee but said it's not like a urine infection. They wouldn't see me but told me to call 111 saying it sounded like a uti. I went down to out of hours she asked nothing about my delivery didn't look at notes. She dipped urine and only blood was present and she told me it was a uti. Sent me away. But by the next morning I was sweating and hot and shivery and in bed when the midwife arrived. I had a low grade fever and abdo pain. He arranged for me to be admitted. Whilst getting ready I doubled over in screaming agony and ended up on gas and air for two hours and transferred back to maternity with a infection in the lining of my womb. Rapid iv antibiotics given. On day 3 of that I became unwell and the doc said I could stop my meds if I couldn't tolerate them orally. I did. Jump forward to today and im@bleeding fresh smelly blood again and the midwife arranged a doc to see me. I still have a smoulding infection! Back on different antibiotics.
09.11.2016 Нравится Ответить
I sometimes think its silly to just go in but yes its really important to go in regardless how small
09.11.2016 Нравится Ответить
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