Asking for a friend.
"I just had a baby about two months ago and i smoked half a joint last night but my husband was sober and watching the baby. Am I a bad mother? Should I stop smoking completely? I formula feed so it isn't a breast milk issue, but one of my friends told me I was neglecting my baby and I was a shitty mother. I just feel so bad. Was my friend right? Do you think he'll call CPS on me? I have really bad anxiety and a little bit of anger problems so I smoke a little to self-medicate, but not a lot and not very often. Last night I was just really stressed and wanted some help going to sleep. Does that make me terrible?"

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I smoke weed almost everyday and my little man is 8 weeks. SHES NOT A BAD MOTHER for the fact that her hubby was watching her baby and she was not in the same room now if you said she was smoking with her child in the room I would say yes but tell her to relax we are parents not saints. we all have our likes and hobbys lol.
30.10.2016 Нравится Ответить
I'm a Rasta so it's the way of life for me . I can't touch it because I'm going to breastfeed but I was smoking till I was 5 months honestly . & no one could ever make me feel bad about that because I wasn't using tobacco wrap and that's the only thing bad for you. I wouldn't do something I knew to be bad for me . Only ppl who think it's bad are ppl who don't smoke herb. I wouldn't do anything I thought was bad to myself let alone my child . It's proven facts America just so messed up cause the government can't tax it so it's illegal but that crap that hurts your kidney you can buy all day 🙄
30.10.2016 Нравится Ответить
A bad mother because of herb? No .
30.10.2016 Нравится Ответить
@ravens_mommy, it was outside on the back porch while the baby was in its crib asleep and under the care of her husband.
30.10.2016 Нравится Ответить
I feel like as long as the baby is not around it and as long as someone else is taking care of the child it is fine. No different than drinking. But if it is illegal in her state she may want to keep it to herself and be extremely careful. Defintely do not have it in the car or house with child.
30.10.2016 Нравится Ответить
I have smoked maybe twice since I've had my son, but I made sure someone was taking care of him & that he was not around it. I don't feel the child is being neglected if you make sure it's taken care of while you smoke. It'd be different if they were getting high in front of the baby & not tending to its needs.
30.10.2016 Нравится Ответить
Well, if your friend hasn't smoked in 2 months maybe it wouldn't show up on a drug test IF cps was called. I tried smoking when my first son was somewhere between 6-9 months old- wasn't breastfeeding and I felt like an idiot. I waited until he was asleep and when he woke up I panicked. I still feel bad that I smoked the few times I did it after he was born. I don't think it made me a bad mom but I think there are other ways to relieve stress, calm down, chill out and all that without smoking (or drinking).
30.10.2016 Нравится Ответить
I smoked & i still gonna continue well rn no for a lil cuase ama breastfeed nut wen i wasnt preggoo i was smoking & as lomg u still takin care of yo kids it shouldnt matter if u still doing wat u have to do as a mother it shouldnt concern nobody as ling as u not smoking aroynd them they shiuldnt call cps so fuck them theres worst parents out there doing meth n stuff around there kids , i actuslly like smoking cus i just be playing around with my son liafghingg n everything your not a bad mother they should mind their bussniess cus ur the one takin care of them not them . Keep ur stuff on da low n just smoke at yp porch everyone thinks diff dont mind them
30.10.2016 Нравится Ответить
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