Hi, have you ladies prepared your nipples for breastfeeding? I haven't oiled or creamed my nipples so far at all, cause that's what I heard is best. Now I heard, that I should have done that... Any advice?
I never :) breast feeding was fine...on the 3rd day they got a bit sore but used lanolin cream inbetween feeds for 2 days and it was back to being fine again :) Xx
Iv fed both my sons for about a year n half each.... currently feeding my daughter never heard of this before.... my nipples got a bit sore with my daughter as she was tongue tied but things are ok now.... xx
@tillie, never heard of this at all 😂. My nipples were fine without any prep work, probably just another way to get money out of people 🙄 I'd agree with @abbiegale if they do need softened your colostrum will do that :) xx