Do any of you mommies ever feel lonely at times? I do love being a mom and obviously love my son to bits but I miss adult interaction and some days just feel lonely. I always see my mom which is lovely but I don't have many friends and my one close friend has distanced herself from me and isn't interested anymore. I do have a couple of other close friends but I only see them once every few weeks which is fine due to our lifestyles etc. My OH works full time and he is off out tonight to see his mates (he said he hardly sees them anymore) but I just don't think he understands, he sees people everyday at work, I know it's work but it's still interaction...I just wanted to know of anyone else feels like this from time to time xxx

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I'm in exactly the same boat. I wouldn't change my little girl for the world & I love spending time with her so much. But I'm lonely, I'm not one for new people either 😑
29.10.2016 Нравится Ответить
@haribo83, @noshinxoxo @rachaellw @sara-lou @stacey804 @tg123456789
29.10.2016 Нравится Ответить
thanks so much for your responses girls. Its nice to know I'm not alone in feeling like this but at that same time it's not nice that so many of us feel this way. I'm starting a group next week so that will be nice :) xxx
29.10.2016 Нравится Ответить
I'm in the exact same boat. It's very loanly and depressing, and I haven't got the confidence to go to any baby groups or even the park. I no it's silly but Im not who I used to be and it's pretty sad
29.10.2016 Нравится Ответить
Yeah I'm with u chick. I love being a mummy but sometimes I feel that's all I am and I have no life. And now I'm expecting another one some days I'm so happy and excited and other days I feel totally down and fed up. It's a shame more of us don't like local to meet up! Xx
29.10.2016 Нравится Ответить
I understand you. My friends have all distanced themselves but I'm lucky that my husbands family is huge and always come visit and ask us round and that gives me a few hours where baby is being passed around and cooed over and I get to have a break. However were I not to have that I'm sure I'd feel like you. My only suggestion would be to go to the local children's centre, sign up for things like baby massage or whatever and through those things you'll meet mummy friends. Ones you'll hopefully be able to relate to as well as go out with. I can't wait till I can get my LO into stay and plays so I can meet mummy friends! Defo do get out of the house though. Baby also needs the interaction as well as you x
29.10.2016 Нравится Ответить
Yeh definately. When I had Morgan I met up with friends who were also on maternity leave every week & was great. Then we moved away & everyone slowly went back to work. So we rarely get to see each other. now. Going back to work was great for us actually. Like you said having interaction with adults. Plus Morgan enjoyed nursery. I made a few friends. I'm on maternity leave again after having Max & I already think I want to go back to work part time. Will just have to see nearer the time if financially it works. Do you get out the house much? Play groups, swimming or whatever. You might make friends you might not. But getting out the house when you can does help 😊
29.10.2016 Нравится Ответить
exactly the same. ive got this app and thats it. xx
29.10.2016 Нравится Ответить
I feel the same. My oh gets to do whatever he wants whenever he wants and it sounds awful but I feel "stuck" with the baby. I love my son to bits but I feel like I'm drowning and so alone. Like you I see my mam everyday (I live in the next street) but It still doesn't make a difference xx
29.10.2016 Нравится Ответить
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