Going by my growth ultrasound my original due date is Nov. 4th. However, my doctor said I'm VERY thinned out and 2cm dilated so she gave me the option of being induced. But yes, normally they won't induce you unless you have medical problems, or your past due. I guess it just depends on your doctor though. @kelsielynn19
I should've been more clear lol @ceeasquared @annamarie1991, I'm being induced @ 5pm on Nov 1st. So unless I go into labor before that, have a 5-6 hour labor or some how labor for 2-3 days.. She'll def be here on the 2nd 😂
There's no guarantees😂😂. I walked around pregnant with my 3rd baby and I was 3cm 70% for almost 3 weeks. I hope you start labor on your own but either way conrgrats!