suggestions for helping me get my baby to sleep and staying asleep once I put her down! she's 5 weeks. goes to sleep around midnight, sleeps until 4 is back to sleep by 420/430 and sleeps until 730. I can handle that. but I spend 2 hours trying to put her to bed. the staying up until midnight every night is KILLING me. I feed her, I put a thin blanket around her mattress because I think its to cold and wakes her up, I use a sleep sack (she hates being swaddled). I've tried a Binky. and white nose. also leaving a light on. nothing helps me get her down.

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Does she nap a lot during the day? My son had a similar schedule at night, but during the day he slept a lot. I started keeping him awake during the day (it'd hard to do but so worth it at night). Now he goes to sleep by 9 and usually only wakes up 2-3 times to eat (he's EBF). Also try a few minutes of tummy time. Using so many muscles might tire her out, another thing that works for me.
27.10.2016 Нравится Ответить
@mommahicksxoxo, I've tried that but she screams her whole bath and take forever to calm down afterwards. lol
27.10.2016 Нравится Ответить
@halsey11, the vaccum didn't work. tried it. haha and I won't do cereal without talking to her doctor first.
27.10.2016 Нравится Ответить
Try turning the vacuum cleaner on 😜 it's a trick I learned with my fourth child. And my fifth loves it as well. Our neighbors probably think we clean all the time 😂😂😂 I wouldn't give cereal in a bottle... ever... especially not at 5 weeks! Research "open gut from rice cereal" plus they could aspirated on it as well
27.10.2016 Нравится Ответить
@ellieinmybelly, did the Dr say it was okay? from 9-12 she'll eat a 4oz bottle every hour. that might help
27.10.2016 Нравится Ответить
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