Colleen Bollar
Colleen Bollar
I've had a really good baby. A dream baby. No colic just some fussing around teething. Sleeps through the night. But she's been really fussy lately and the only way to stop is to walk around and the minute we sit she's crying again. We were up all night. And she is teething. I'm paranoid something is really wrong only because it's a complete character shift for her but then again she is a baby. She's 7 months could her top 2 teeth be worse than the bottom. Has anyone gone thru this? She has been gassy too. And she will be laughing and playing one second and crying the next with a short attention span. Any recommendations?

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Thank you! I just let my anxiety take over and get me paranoid that I'm doing something wrong.
25.10.2016 Нравится Ответить
What best worked for me was ice everything, fruits, veggies, just ice .. idk why but kids love ice and cold things. My first was a really good baby but teething was harder till I iced everything. Gassy is normal, the happy then crying is too. Baby's love attention.
25.10.2016 Нравится Ответить
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