I took this test today because of the faint lines I was receiving and when I wiped there was a very light spotting on toilet paper. I am totally confuse by the 1-2. Does anyone know what that mean?
@rennysmommy, Yes, I have one tomorrow so I'll know for sure. Good news is, it was just a spot, I'm not having anymore. I put the toilet paper inside me just to be sure. thanks hun.
Maybe your levels are just lower than normal right now.. that can happen sometimes- as long as they're rising it's ok. Plus those tests aren't always accurate on the weeks predictor thing. Or it's possible that you ovulated late too. I would schedule an app yet if you haven't and they can tell via ultrasound exact how far along you are @deenloso
The weird thing is my last period was 9/16 so that's why im confuse. I read the instructions and it didn't make since my last period was 9/16. According to Internet calculator I'm 5 weeks 2 days. @rennysmommy