LABOR AND DELIVERY is so dumb i called and cant go until i cant talk or walk with my contractions or feel like i want to push or if my water breaks.

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@txyogagirl, 2 weeks ago i was checked and dilated at a 1 and idk about the rule but my obgyn said its going to be any day now and i havent had contractions this bad
17.10.2016 Нравится Ответить
@miah_reign, also u haven't met ur due date I just noticed they for sure don't want u yet. I was five days over due and planned to go as long as it took with no induction but again stupid rules dr says she couldn't let me go through to 43 I would have had to get induced at 42.6
17.10.2016 Нравится Ответить
@miah_reign, same as me that's why they don't want u. I know it's hard to hear that but if u wanna stick to ur plan u better take her advise do u know if they have a rule for a cut off time have U spoke with ur dr about that or how long they plan to let u go bc all natural can really takes days no joke u just never hear about it bc most people give in to meds or most people don't actually know they are n labor but they are its just mild. They don't wanna set around and wait for u to labor for 36 hr which it's kinda messed up since we r the ones that pay all that money. it really sounds like the hospital has a time limit if she is telling u that. My next baby I will have at a birthing center for this very reason. I almost cried when I learned of the 36 hr rule then they just start pumping medicine and nothing I can do about it but when I found out I was like 30 weeks which was to late to change and go from dr/hospital to midwife/birthing center
17.10.2016 Нравится Ответить
@txyogagirl, no i don't want meds at all and the lady was saying they would normally monitor contractions but with me she said no just stay home and wait basically..
17.10.2016 Нравится Ответить
@miah_reign, not agreeing with the hospital at all but I will say lots of hospital have time limits on the amount of time u can stay n a room which is kinda crazy if u ask me. I didn't know this until we took our birthing classes I had my baby at Baylor they have a 24hr rule then dr can override to extend to 36 meaning after the 24 hr they want u out of L&D and on the recovery for the remainder of the stay. I was so worried I wouldn't progress bc I had absolutely no medicines but I spoke with dr weeks before and she agree when the time comes she would let me go and do override to 36 if those were my wishes so that was the plan. So basically after the 36 they go against wishes and give potcin regardless it's like stand procedure. Luckily I was able to labor 5 hr at home then when I arrived I hit the hall speed walking kept my labor going strong refused to sign off on any medicines and they threw a fit I said I'm not signing nothing till my dr arrives bc it was in middle of night anyways she arrived I still progressed naturally and had him at 4:09pm It's really best to stay home long as possible and labor at home. Do u plan to have any drugs? If u don't they defiantly don't want u early I think the lady should have choose better words than when it's time to push. If I had to do it again I would have stayed home just a little bit longer. But overall I was happy with my experience
17.10.2016 Нравится Ответить
@jaxmin805, i definitely will. She wasn't making sense.
17.10.2016 Нравится Ответить
Exactly @michelle2220 that lady was dumb
17.10.2016 Нравится Ответить
wtf feeling like you wanna push you'd have the baby in the freaking car
17.10.2016 Нравится Ответить
o wow..when i was feeling like that 2 sec later my baby went flying out not kiddi g...f them you go when you think its time to go
17.10.2016 Нравится Ответить
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