my son is 2 months old!
when is the best time to start a schedule for him? (as in nap times and such)

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They will change numerous times! My daughters did. But they usually figure out what's best for them too. I let her sleep when she needs too and it's now about 3 times. And you're welcome!
16.10.2016 Нравится Ответить
thank you ladies! @yanald90 @megbaby07
16.10.2016 Нравится Ответить
he has a bed time schedule, he did that all on his own. bed is at 10:30, eats around 9:30 gets changed and I get everything ready them we go up, he goes in his bassinet and is asleep a little after laying down. he's had that schedule since he was about 2 weeks old. but I let him sleep whenever he wants during the day, sometimes he fights it during the day. I go back to work tomorrow and just wanted to start a schedule for him so it was easier for the babysitter and eventually easier on him. I'll probably wait till he's about 3 months. because he was starting to get a schedule during the day but then he got stomach problems that messed up his schedule so now I'll just wait and see if he starts his own schedule again
16.10.2016 Нравится Ответить
Babies really don't start their schedule till about 3 months for sure. At least I have never heard of it or read about it. And they kind of tell you what schedule they need: remember to later on to have him nap in lighter areas of house and night sleep in dark rooms. To help him learn day and night when it is! there is no definite science you can do it anytime but generally not till 3 I believe. Just don't deprive your child of sleep/bsp thinking he will sleep better at night there is actually research that shows the opposite. More tired babies have harder time learning self soothing because they are too agitated. Good luck to you!!
16.10.2016 Нравится Ответить
I notice when she starts getting tired. And when I notice it, well I breastfeed to so I'll just feed her and she will go too bed. Or if she already ate I just put her to my chest and pat her butt till she does. Her nighttime I kept on the schedule since she was born. I'd feed her, give her a bath, and then feed her, swaddle her, than put her in the bassinet and let her fall asleep. I used too have too rock her in there but she started catching on in like a couple weeks. Now, she lets me know when she is ready for bed. Too me, naps are hard too plan. But she is usually starts getting fussy and rubbing her eyes so I go ahead and try too put her down so now she usually gets tired around the same times typically.
16.10.2016 Нравится Ответить
My daughter kind of figured it out on her own. Still does. I just focus on her bed time mainly
16.10.2016 Нравится Ответить
how do you go about it? @megbaby07
16.10.2016 Нравится Ответить
16.10.2016 Нравится Ответить
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