having a one month old and a 3 year old is stressful and hard plus still trying to recover from a c-section, and having to do it all alone... feel like I'm going crazy and wish I had a million hands....
that's just because your 3 yr old was used to it being just them... let him help with with baby, like hand you the diaper or wipes. help feed the baby if you are bottle feeding. but also make alone time for your 3 year old. send an hour or two just the 2 of you. @mommybump3 if you have the baby blues ask for help. don't be ashamed more woman than not suffer in silence and it only makes it worse. talk family and friends, or even your doctor.
Thank you, I'm trying so hard to keep it together, it's just that my 3 year old needs and wants all the attention and I feel bad @mommab4 .. and this baby blues thing I get at times really su---..