Frustrated breastfeeding momma hereπ§. I've been trying to exclusively breastfeed my 6 week old baby and it feels like I'm always running out of milk supply as the late afternoon-nightime comes on and carries over to next feeding the next day after midnight strikes. I've tried everything from drinking enough fluids, eating oatmeal, drinking milkmaid tea 3 times a day, drinking Gatorade and adding malunggay leaves to my meals. I put my baby on the breast multiple times on the times my breast is not putting out milk for him and he cries nonstop. I even temporarily stopped breastpumping after each feeding, since initially it caused my breast to run dry and milk supply not replenished as the day comes to a close. I was hoping I would be able to produce more than enough milk to start a freezer stash, but those chances are slim to none in my current situation. Any other tips or recommendations to help improve my milk supply?
are you counting diapers? maybe the tea is affecting your supply. I know some women these milk supply teas have adverse effects. your baby can be going through a growth spurt that could be why you think k it's not enough :) as long as baby is gaining and having enough wet diapers. .. you produce more in the middle of the night maybe you can pump at that time and feed baby an hour later to stimulate more milk production.. 1-6 mons their stomach hold 5 oz