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To My Sweet Jade Noelle,
I cannot even believe this! Today you are 1 years old! Where did time go? I miss my itty bitty 4lb baby I brought home from the hospital! I still remember this day last year, seeing you and holding you for the first time, you were more perfect then I could have ever imagined. This has been the hardest yet most rewarding year of my entire life! You have shown me so much happiness & love that I never could have imagined existed! You have changed my life for the better in so many ways. I did not think I was ready to be a mom, but God knew you were exactly what I needed. His timing was Perfect! You have grown into a pretty awesome little human, and I’ve enjoyed every second of it. I Love You with everything in me and I’m super excited to see what God has in store for your life! Happy Birthday Baby Girl!

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