can anyone give me advice on dealing with my worries and anxiety? I am newly pregnant first doctors appointment today. I am a wreck. this baby was planned, and now all I can think about is that we have made a mistake and how our lives are going to change so much. I am worrying that this isn't normal though I've heard it is. just need some guidance and positive words from anyone who has or is going through this.

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Pretty sure you shouldn't think of it as a mistake.. and if you do you need to give that baby for adoption so he/she can have a loving family .....
08.10.2016 Нравится Ответить
It is a major change in your life. Try to think of it as a positive thing. write down all of the great things that will come with the baby. you will feel better. also, talk to your doc.
07.10.2016 Нравится Ответить
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