good grief i feel so damn lucky! I have to brag because i just can't contain it! My twinsies are just the most perfect baby boys i could have asked for. So happy and were breastfeeding likes pros. They are in perfect health despite all our risks in pregnancy and they sleep all night with mom and dad waking them every 3 hours to nurse and change diapers and go right back to sleep. They never cry unless getting diaper changed or a bath and they just love to cuddle. Me and hubby have seriously never been more in love. Hes a wonderful dad and has been so supportive throughout my postpartum experience, even taking our marriage to higher levels of trust, support, and acceptance. I feel like I just dont deserve all this happiness and one day i will wake up and it will be gone! I am such a blessed mom and wife!!! 😍😍😍😍😍😍