So my SO I love him I do but he makes it really difficult at times! We broke up in the beginning of my pregnancy but I refused to raise our daughter in separate homes, he has a very short temper & sometimes loves to take everything out on me! He's never laid his hands on me but I'm already easily triggered because I'm up everytime our daughter needs something! & its very exhausting! I just need someone to vent too!

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My daughter is a handful she's 13 months.. I stay at home and take care of her while he works.. When he gets home he takes over and takes care of her.. My boyfriend actually does everything he cooks, washes clothes and dries them.. We both clean around the house.. I cook as well but he wants to do it... He tells me even though I'm the female it doesn't mean I have to do everything.. He tells me you take care of our daughter while I'm at work and thats all I want you to do.. Our daughter has only been sick once and that was because my brother's daughter was sick and they had asked me to watch her (they didn't even tell me she was sick) I thought her how to walk, way before turning one.. Our daughter is are number one priority.. But I know that the name calling can be hard to deal with it... I cry when he does call me names because I don't want to take her away from him.. I grow up without my dad one because he would hit my mom and second he died when I was only 4 years old. I don't even remember him Smh Our daughter loves him to death all day when he is gone all she says is dada when the phone rings dada... Just keep your hear up and put your foot down when it comes to him disrespecting you..
02.10.2016 Нравится Ответить
@francisca88, it's just really hard because someday a we're perfectly fine but when he's like that I just wanna break down! & when I ask him to help with something he throws it in my face that he goes to work I should be able to handle everything else on my own! Which would be easier if I didn't just work my ass off taking care of our daughter & cleaning up! It's a hard job doing what is mommies do!
02.10.2016 Нравится Ответить
Okay, so I can totally understand what you are going through.. My boyfriend tells me the same thing when I tell him that he has done something wrong... But we have never broken up though.. But since my daughter has been born I don't allow to fly anymore since I don't want her to hear her father call her mother a bad word.. So he has gotten good about not calling me names.. I told him if I ever hear you call me another name in front of my daughter your ass if gone...
02.10.2016 Нравится Ответить
We're actually together, once we got back together it got better for a little while & since having her he got better again but this morning just really hit me hard! @francisca88
02.10.2016 Нравится Ответить
@baby2016pryor, question, are you all together like boyfriend and girlfriend or just living together because you all have a baby together?? I don't want to say something and I don't know the relationship status.
02.10.2016 Нравится Ответить
See that's not cool at all. He definitely have a bad temper. Even if he doesn't put his hands on you verbal abuse is just as bad as any other abuse. How would he like it if some guy his daughter was dating or married to treated her the way he treating you? He wouldn't like it. So he need to show you more respect. Cause kids see stuff and she'll think it's acceptable for a guy to act that way, which no type of abuse from anyone regardless of sex is good. Stay strong mama! @baby2016pryor
02.10.2016 Нравится Ответить
I mean I just woke him up because I thought he was going to work today, note his brother came over last night & im pretty positive they smoked together, which I can't stand! & he passed out at 9:30! Between 9:30 & when I went to wake him up (11 hours later) I woke up to feed & change our daughter 7 times! & he's gonna yell at me & call me a stupid bitch because I "accused him" of something he "didn't do"! I just hate that shit! @fabulous_t
02.10.2016 Нравится Ответить
Yeah my bf is like that too. He pissed me off Friday cause he was aggravated over what his mom had him doing and etc and took it out on me. I was highly pissed and didn't talk to him until later on yesterday. But I hope everything turn around for you, but at the same time don't tolerate disrespect either.
02.10.2016 Нравится Ответить
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