Ladies, I need some advice. My 9 week old is at my other halfs moms tonight and she has just messaged me saying he has had a big poo because she gave him cool boiled water. Now I know most people say it's ok to give babies a little water and my little one hadn't had a poo for 24 hours which she knew about. I'm just angry because she didn't check with me first and he has never had water before. It sounds silly I know but how can I trust her not to give/do other things as he gets older? How do I handle this situation! I'm fuming to be honest! :(

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thank you @stacey804 you've made me feel better xxx
01.10.2016 Нравится Ответить
That sounds perfect. Your saying it's not for you but keeping it polite. She should respect your wishes and if she doesn't then you may have to be a bit more forward about your feelings hopefully she takes the hint. Older generation think they know everything kind of "been there done that got the t shirt" but that doesn't mean they know "everything" xx
01.10.2016 Нравится Ответить
@natroberts88, @stacey804
01.10.2016 Нравится Ответить
Yeah I've just been reluctant to give it him as the NHS and other websites advice against it until his 6 months so I don't think I want him to have it just yet....I'm not sure, I know lots of people do it but the websites say otherwise, I'm sure a little bit will be OK though won't it, I think it's if he has it regularly so probably won't make a habit of it xxx
01.10.2016 Нравится Ответить
thanks Ladies, I've just sent this message...
01.10.2016 Нравится Ответить
My mil is the same but I just politely told her in future to double check. I ask her for advice and keep her involved still so she doesn't feel like I'm saying no but she's aware not to do things without my permission xx
01.10.2016 Нравится Ответить
She was probably just doing what she thought was best. This is solely the reason I never tell my MIL anything incase this happens. Best thing to do is just have a conversation & outline how you feel & the boundaries: although she could still do stuff & just not tell you xx
01.10.2016 Нравится Ответить
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