Rant alert🙈

Does anyone have this problem as its really grinding my gears!!!
I have age appropriate discipline for my children that works fine but as soon as a family member comes over and 1 acts up and they get told off the family member intervenes with "it's ok don't worry go and play" 🙄🙄🙄🙄 how do I make this stop without 1 being rude as Iv already stated to them not to do it 2 to stop my kids thinking they can undermine my authority when said people/person is here 3 Iv already considered not having them around anymore 😂🙈 but I don't see that happening as its immediate family

Rant over 😅

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That's exactly it and who wants unruly children -_- I just wish people still stuck with a parents way the method you explained would suit me perfectly love that @winterbaby95 xx
02.10.2016 Нравится Ответить
When my mum had rules for us...the rest of the family knew them and stuck by them. So if we were acting up etc...a family member would tell us off in the exact same way my mum did. Having a family member or friend relax on these rules...will just teach the child they can get away with things in another persons presence (and obviously not learn) xx
01.10.2016 Нравится Ответить
Iv never thought of it in that way before how irritating 🙄 I don't either!!! @ttcrainbowbaby x
01.10.2016 Нравится Ответить
@cc7 They want to be the 'cool' relative who let's them get away with stuff. kinda like a brine to get the kids to favour them. I had aunts and uncles like that who I never got in trouble around. I used to love them and play up when they were there. Which wasn't much since I was a quite child but I defo don't want my kids doing that.
01.10.2016 Нравится Ответить
You ladies are so right I will just have a private word but continue with my ways in the meantime it's so annoying isn't it you'd think they would understand having been through it all before @ttcrainbowbaby @natzie86 xx
01.10.2016 Нравится Ответить
I've had this with my mum and sometimes my oh. I just pull the child aside and Instill the punishment i.e. Time out etc even though the other person has said no or carry on and then I pull the other person aside privately and tell them my rules, my way don't like it then take over full time care of all 4kids. To be fair that usually works especially with my oh
01.10.2016 Нравится Ответить
I'd have a word with the person in private. Tell them how you felt and that you'd appreciate if they didn't undermine you. You have a right to discipline your child (appropriately) and they should respect that.
It's good you didn't say anything to them in front of your child as that would have set a bad example and possibly taught them that they shouldn't listen to that person or other adults.
01.10.2016 Нравится Ответить
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