Everyone my baby comes in contact with says that he needs formula because he eats a lot and often. I don't know what to do because I pump where is enough but because it's so much so often I feel like I should EBF for 3 months then give him 1 or 2 bottle of formula just to keep him full longer. What else can I do Because I don't want to give formula at all.
My baby ate every 30 min to an hour and everyone kept saying the same thing to me she was getting enough and I was producing enough were at 3 months ebf and now she's going every one hour to almost 2 hours your baby is signaling your body and there latch will get better where they will nurse shorter time periods as they get older we also have done no formula and I'm working full time now and pumping for her☺️
lol I got the same thing from my boyfriends mother. She was a formula mom. And thinks breastfeeding is weird and not normal 🙄 my baby is 7 weeks and still eats every 2-3 hours. And wakes up anywhere between 2-4 times a night to nurse. I also pump and USALLY get between 3-5oz each boob, each time I pump. So I know I'm making plenty. Plus she weighs 13 pounds already. She was born 8lbs 7oz. Do what your heart says. Your the momma, and you know what works and what doesn't :-)
breast fed babies eat more often because its meant to digest formula isn't and is harder to digests, as long as baby has 6 or more wet or pokly diapers in a day your fine and know what your doing ignore them
01.10.2016 Нравится Ответить
You're doing fine. My son is almost 3 and we still breastfeed. He has never had formula. He also has hardly ever used a bottle because i was able to stay home with him for almost 2 yrs. Trust your body.
thank you ladies @bonniesue @arivera64 because I don't bottle feed I can't say how much he's eating but the babysitter can
01.10.2016 Нравится Ответить
breastmilk metabolizes faster than formula. Also, babies go thru stages where they feed more often to accomodate their growth. Same as how we eat more as we grow from children, to teens, to adults. Continue what you're doing
Cereal is empty calories, can pose a choking hazard and honestly didn't work for anyone that I know personally. You're the mom. You decide what's best for your child.
Keep pumping frequently or put that baby to breast frequently. I was told the same thing about my son. Guess what? I'm almost at one year and my son never had formula. I think people say that because it's the choice they made and they need it to be ok. If you don't want to formula feed you do not have to